Wednesday 22 March 2017

Overall Pop Magazine Contents Page Analysis

After looking at these three examples of pop magazine contents pages I have taken some ideas and have thought about what I will do to make my magazine fit in with this genre. I have decide that my contents page will be bright and colourful yet not too much in the readers face as I want me target audience to be older teens/young adults. As seen in the three examples I will use a range of images, including one bigger image for my main article. I like the way "billboard" magazine has set out the contents page as its simplistic and feel as though its more mature which is what I am aiming for I also like the idea of just having "contents" written at the top but I might have the name of my own music magazine above it as a contribute to my brands identity. I would like to use a similar house style to what my front cover uses and also similar fonts. I also noticed how the magazines old made the page numbers clear I will also so this by having the numbers in a different font and colour to the rest of the writing. I will make the stories mainly about the personal life of the artists and gossip as I would like my audience to be female.

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