Monday 13 February 2017

Pop Magazine Analysis

        Pop Magazine Analysis 3

MastHead: The masthead is written in a girly bubbly font which suggests this magazines target audience is young girls. The masthead is also written in white inside a bright pink text box which stands out against the white background, making it eye catching for readers The masthead is used for all of the Top Of The Pops magazines his allows the frequent readers to easily pick out the magazine in a shop. 
House Style: the house style is pink, white, black and yellow. The colours pink and yellow suggest warmth and summer vibes. By using a lot of ink it implies the target audience are young girls. as well as the masthead,the rest of the writing on the page is in a fun and bubbly font which again suggests the target audience is female. 
Main Image: The main image is of pop singer Rita Ora which suggests the magazine is aimed at a pop music genre, the image is big and in the middle of the page this allows the readers to see straight away who the main story of the magazine is. Rita Ora is looking at the camera creating the idea she is looking directly at the readers. She is smiling and in a playful stance which gives the impression she is a warm and friendly person and the story is going to be happy.
Smaller Images: all the smaller images are of pop singers and young celebrities which suggest the the magazine is aimed at a younger target audience. There are a lot of smaller images on the page which again suggests the magazine is for younger readers as they enjoy looking at pictures. 
Coverlines: the majority of the coverlins are in pink and black which follows the house style and also suggests the target audience for the magazine is young females. the coverlines are all about boys, fashion and gossip which is what young girls will find interesting. 
MainCoverine: The maincoverline is written in a pink bubbly font this stands out on page and makes it eye catching to the reader. The pink used suggests the magazine is for girls. 

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