Friday 28 April 2017

Magazine Name

I've been thinking about what I might possibly be naming my magazine and have chosen two I might go for.

Pop Magazine Name Idea

Looking back at the pop magazines I analysed I have noticed that two of the examples have the word "Pop" in the title (WeLovePop and TopOfThePops), but both are aimed at a younger audience. Since my target audience is older teens to young adults i have decided to look at what other music magazines have in common with the title. I discovered that a lot of music magazines use one word as the title such as Mojo and billboard, although Mojo isn't exactly a pop magazine its aimed at an older audience. For my magazine I am thinking of having a one worded title.

Front Cover Update

I have decide that since my music magazine is for an older audience I will not be using an extremely girly font for title but instead use a more sophisticated style. The magazine title will be white but I have thought about having one or two of the letters in a different colour as the other music magazine do a similar thing to their magazine name as a branding technique.

Front Cover Photoshoped Picture

After multiple attempts I have decided on this image to feature on my music magazine front cover.

I picked this image because when i was looking back at the music magazines I had analysed I noticed the main image on the page would be a person looking directly at the camera and they were mainly mid-shots.

I decided to brighten up the image and cut out the background.

Double Page-Spread Update 2

I changed the colour of the background as the image i have chosen for the double page-spread is taken against a plain background ( the image was taken against a white-cream wall and i have decided to keep it as it fits in with the new style I am going for) I changed the house style and have decided to base it around the person in the image and what they are wearing., which is black and red.  I thought about what colour I will write the article in (most likely black) and what colour I  will use for the double page spread title. The image will take up the entire double page spread and the writing will be around it.
Image result for black    Image result for blood red 

Contents Page Update 2

Again I decide to start over with the layout of my contents page I felt as though the original design was a little childish. I have decide to stay with the same house style as it also fits in with the front cover. I have looked at other "billboard" contents pages as I like the layout and feel as though it will fit in with my target audience.

Front Cover Update 2

I changed the entire design for my front cover, keeping with a similar layout but changing the house style and fonts. I have decided to have a pink-purple colour for the background this will make it more obvious to readers who the target audience is.  I have also chosen to have the title in a bold whit font. I made all these changes as I felt as though it was pretty dull and looked nothing like any of the magazines I analysed. I have also added two new colours to the house style, dark purple and a bright blue. As well as the magazine title being white i have also decided to to have the sub-stories on the front cover written in white.
Image result for purple   Image result for dark turquoise   Image result for black

Double-Page Spread Pictures

 I made sure my photos followed the codes and conventions of double page spread.
+ person looking at camera.
+ Image should take up at least half the double page spread.
+ Image needs to be bright and eye catching for the reader. 

Contents Page Pictures

I am going to use a range of images for the contents page, looking back at the music magazines I analysed I noticed they have four or more images.

Front Cover Pictures

When taking pictures i thought about what the other pop magazines did for there front cover images
+ The person should be looking at the camera
+ The image should take up the majority of the page as it is one of the most important factors
+ The image should fit in with the front cover house style

Double Page-Spread HouseStyle 1

Looking back at the double-page spreads from other music magazines I have noticed they use either white or light colours as the background, this is done to allow all the readers focus be on the image and story. I have decided to use a light purple shade for the background as it will fit in with my overall music magazine colour scheme. I have gone for the black bold writing and a darker purple shade for the title of the double page-spread. the use of the purple continues to show who the target audience is for the magazine.

Image result for purple     Image result for light purple     Image result for black

Contents Page HouseStyle 1

For the contents page I have decided to use a pastel purple for the background as it stays within the same house style as the front cover and any text or images used will again stand out and catch the readers eyes. I have also decide to use black blocks to place white writing in as I have seen this in the music magazine contents pages I analysed. I will use black for the numbers as its important for readers to know which stories at where.       

Image result for black     Image result for purple    Image result for white

Front Cover HouseStyle 1

From looking at some examples of music magazine front covers I have decided to use a light peachy tone as the background colour, this is because the other magazines have used light colours so that the writing and Images can stand out against it. As it is aimed at older female readers I have not gone for the cliché pink but made sure that by using this colour its still obvious who the target reader is. For the text of the front cover I have decided to use purple, white and black as all will be easy to read and eye-catching at the same time. The purple will be used specifically for the magazine title and the main story as its a more bold colour and will allow the reader to see what is the most important thing on the page. The black and white will be used for the sub-stories.

Image result for light orange    Image result for purple    Image result for black

Pop Magazine Update 1

Thinking about it I have decided to change a few ideas I had. Instead of having the magazine focused mostly on the artists personal life and gossip I have decided that the magazine will actually be about the music. I have made this change as I thought my magazine started to become more like a gossip magazine than a pop music magazine.

Sunday 23 April 2017

Overall Pop Magazine Double-Page Spread Analysis

From Looking at the three pop magazine double page spreads I have decided that I will use a light colour for the background as this will allow the images I take to stand out and also the text. I will also have the image take up at least half of the page and the image will most likely be a mid-shot. I need to include an important or interesting quotation from the article to use as a title, this needs to be written in a big bold font to catch the readers eye and make them want to read the entire article.